- D.O.B. 23 of June 2004 - R.I.P. 19 of August 2012 - RKF 1632616 - hunting pedigree 0002/05 - tattoo АВХ 3989 - ID 643098100048823
- Classification of RKF "TOP selection" - mentality test - T-1 - gun shoot proof - HD-A (0/0) - ED-0/0 - eye test - normal (ECVO) - B-locus (liver Gene) - B/b - thyroid-test - normal (2010, 2011, 2012) - cardio-test - normal (2010, 2011, 2012) - abdominal ultrasound - normal (2010, 2011, 2012)
- life access to breeding
- fulldentition - scissors bite - height 64 cm - weight 30 kg (in working form)
- sterilized in March 2011
Yara retrieves alive duck..
- Russian Junior champion - Bulgarian Junior champion - Moldavian Junior champion - Balkan Countries Junior Winner
- International Champion - C.I.B.
- Hungarian champion (at EDS`08) - Serbian champion - Macedonian champion - Moldavian champion - Bulgarian champion - Russian champion
- Slovenian champion - Ukraina champion - Grand Russian champion - Grand Bulgarian champion
- Balkan Countries champion - 2 x Club Winner - Club SAF Union Winner - 3 x RKF champion
- Prize Winner "Eurasia`06" - Prize Winner "Eurasia`07" - Prize Winner "Eurasia`11" - Prize Winner "Russia`11" - Prize Winner "EDS`08" - САС (15 in class) - Prize Winner "WDS`09" - CW-III (43 in class) - Prize Winner IDS "Bundessieger 2009" - Prize Winner of Hungarian Club Match - club САС
- Prize Winner of Slovenian Club Match - club CAC - Prize Winner of Slovakian Club Match - club CAC - CAC SK - "Best Head" at Club Show "Elite" in Russia - "Best Head" at II Club Match in Slovenia
- Prize Winner Helsinki Winner`11 - CW-I, BB-3 - Prize Winner Finnish Winner`11 - CW-I, BB-2, R.CAC, R.CACIB
multi: CAC, CACIB, BOBj, BOB, BOBv, BIG; BISj-II, BIS-IV, veteran BIS-I, BISS-II
- Elite Breeding Class
- Magor Gold Medal - 2 x Champion
- multi Winner of Age Group & Breeding Class - Winner of Age Group & Breeding Class at X Anniversary Hunting Dog Show (the biggest hunting dog show, which is held once every 5 years) - Champion of 116th Moscow Hunting Dog Show - Champion of Hounds Dog Match in Yaroslavle-city
- Boar for one dog: diplomas of 3 x II & 6 x III level, certificate RKF - Boar in pair: diplomas of I & 3 x II & 3 x III level - Badger: diplomas of 4 x II & 10 x III level, certificate RKF - Blood Tracking: diplomas of II & 5 x III level, certificate RKF - Waterfowl Bird (Wild Duck): diplomas 4 x III level, certificate RKF
- Best Young Dog of VIIth Multi-Breed Open Complex Competition of Hunting Dogs
- Best Young Dog of Ist Rhodesian Ridgeback Complex Competition (RRCC) - Gold Medal in “boar in pair” at the Ist RRCC - Bronze Medal in Complex at the IInd RRCC - Bronze Medal in “water bird” at the IInd RRCC - Prize Winner in Complex at the IVth RRCC (4th place) - Bronze Medal in “boar” at the Vth RRCC - Gold Medal in “badger”at the Vth RRCC - Winner in Complex at the Vth RRCC - Gold Medal in “boar in pair” at the Vth and IXth RRCC - Gold Medal in “boar in pair” at the IXth RRCC - Best Veteran at IX RR CC
- Field Winner
- Junior Club Winner of Hunting Working Qualities (HWQ) - Club Winner of HWQ - Veteran Club Winner of HWQ
- TOP Hunting Dog 2005 (from 8 dogs) - TOP Hunting Dog 2008 (from 22 dogs) - 3rd place in Absolute TOP Hunting Dog (from all hunting RR - more than 70 dogs, 2005-2011)
- LC qualification - The Oldest RR at all-breed Lure Coursing Russian Championship - Best Veteran at all-breed Lure Coursing Championship “High speed not borzois’2012”
- Veteran Silver Winner at RR Obedience Competitions "Ginger, up!"